Gnan Luca
Luca Gnan is Professor of Organizational Behavior at Tor Vergata University.
He is the president of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). He is Member of the Central Evaluation Committee of the Tor Vergata University and Board member of the Tor Vergata World University. He is and has been involved in various academic and public associations, including membership of the Education Ethics Executive Committee of AOM (Academy of Management), AOM BPS Division representative for Europe, AOM OMT Division Research Committee, Vice-President and Executive director of EURAM (European Academy of Management), Review Board member of FERC (Family Enterprise Research Conference), Sub-theme Convenor of EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies), and Stream Chair of CMS (Critical Management Studies.
He is also a Scientific Committee Member of the Master on Internationalization “CorCE Fausto De Franceschi” of the Italian International Trade Institute, with responsibility for Strategy and Organization. Luca Gnan is Associate Editor of EMR (European Management Review) and has been and is guest editor of various journals, and he has published on topics related to family business governance, corporate and public governance. His research focus is on family businesses and corporate governance, with a special interest on board of directors, governance structures and mechanisms. Other research interests are the strategy formulation processes, and the role of models in decisional processes. As a scholar, his main priority has been to support and mentor junior faculty and doctoral students.